The Avion

The Avion Newspaper is Embry-Riddle's student source for news on campus, in the Daytona Beach area, and in the aviation and aerospace industry. The Avion has a history dating back to its first publication on April 4th, 1969.

Since then, it has been published weekly in the fall and spring semesters and biweekly during the summer semester. The Avion is read by thousands of students, faculty and staff members, and alumni in a wide variety of formats including print, digital, and mobile.

The Avion is a well-respected and well-known publication in the industry with a working relationship with NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Daytona International Speedway, Daytona International Airport, and various air show venues.


Andrew Harker


Mikyla Berish

Business Manager

Kyle Navarro

Photo Editor

Danielle Van Pelt

News Editor