Center for Faith and Spirituality

"To have some fun and do some good."


General Information

During the semester, the Center is open from 6am until midnight. To learn more about the Center, our prayer rooms, and our chaplains visit:

General Information

Our Chaplains

Finding a Spiritual Home

The Center helps students connect with members of their own tradition or learn about others by helping them find:

ERAU Religious Life Organizations

Interfaith Training

ERAU welcomes students, faculty, and staff from all over the world. The Center seeks to help students learn from each other about different religious traditions.

The 9/11 Project

We are preparing for the 20th anniversary of the attacks. We will have a memorial service and a research symposium on 9/11, ERAU, and 20 Years of Aviation. We welcome students interested in being a part of this effort.

9/11 Project - How to get involved

The 9/11 Research and Remembrance Project Home Page

Career and Calling: Finding An Academic Fit

The Center offers research programs to help students explore their professional identity. Careers can be a calling.

Sports and Aviation Flyer + Info Fall 2020

Fashion and Aviation Page

Spiritual Formation and Leadership Programs

A well-lived, meaningful life that makes a difference requires cultivation, exploration, and practice. The Center offers:

Daily Spiritual Practices

Servant Leadership Program


Our Purpose

To encourage and support students in nurturing your spirit --the part of yourself that seeks meaning, purpose, and connection. For students of faith, we encourage and support you in nurturing your spirit within the framework of your faith commitment

Our Goals

To foster a campus culture where students of diverse beliefs feel welcome. To inspire students of diverse beliefs to build bridges of cooperation for the common good. To help prepare students to become ethical professionals and responsible citizens in a global community.

Our Services

Available for individual conversations and counseling regarding spirituality (seeking meaning, purpose, connection) and/or faith (connecting spirituality with faith). Serve as a resource, presenter, or participant for groups planning programs containing spiritual, faith, or interfaith elements. Provide oversight and support for student spiritual/faith groups. Assist students looking to connect with a spiritual/faith group on campus or in the local community. Available for crisis care (deaths, hospitalizations, accidents, overwhelming day).


Our Team

Fernando Avila Profile

Fernando Avila

Leonard Farrell Profile

Leonard Farrell

Trent Smith Profile

Trent Smith

Shayla Merrigan Profile

Shayla Merrigan

David Keck Profile

David Keck
