The Harry and Ada Lamon Servant Leadership Program

Helping others through the stress of Covid-19

Areas of Focus

Through Covid-19, connecting with others has been difficult and coping with the stresses has been even more difficult. Here we learn more about ourselves and how we are able to better connect to and help others, not just through Covid-19, but through all of the struggles of life.

Servant Leadership

Focusing on learning how to serve others first before serving ourselves and the team as a whole.


Learning how to better understand yourself, through your emotions, actions, and motives. Understanding why you feel what you feel and why you behave the way you do.


Learning how to connect with others on a deeper level through vividly describing ideas, beliefs, experiences, and life lessons through stories that cause powerful emotions or insights.

Meeting Times

Our first meeting of the semester is Thursday, September 9th from 6-8 p.m. Location TBD

Regular meeting times are 6-8 p.m. the second and fourth Thursdays of each month throughout the semester

Dinner is provided at each meeting

Second Thursdays of each month are on-campus in a classroom setting

Make new friends, have meaningful conversations, and enjoy the classroom in a more laid-back atmosphere.

Fourth Thursdays of each month are off-campus trips

Explore new places in Florida, make new friends, and have meaningful conversations.

For More Information:

Contact Chaplain David Keck at

We thank trustee Emeritus Harry Lamon and his wife Ada Lamon for the generous support which makes this program possible.