Tarun Karthikeyan


Tarun is a current sophomore majoring in Aerospace Engineering with a concentration in Jet Propulsion. He is interested in pursing a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is passionate about researching and loves the real world impact Bio-fluids research provides to the medical community and people all over the world.

Levi Blumer

Vice President

Levi Blumer is a sophomore studying mechanical engineering, he is mainly focused on CAD modeling and experimentation.

Clayton Purdy


Clay is a Mechanical Engineering major with a concentration in Biomedical Systems. Biofluids research offers a multitude of opportunities to learn applicable skills and exposure to industry-standard applications of course material. Through the exploration of a wide range of topics, we are able to demonstrate our collaborative abilities while soaking in valuable insight that creates employable students. The work that we perform is immediately useful in real-world applications, impacting real lives.

Keyu Vadaliya


Keyu is a sophomore in Aerospace Engineering. She is the Treasurer for this club and she specializes in coding . Currently, she is working on building a MATLAB Simulink model of a control pump which will be used in the experiments to control pressure valves. She will be learning more about electrical experimentation.

Mac Cinelli

Outreach Coordinator

Martin Cinelli is an aerospace engineering student and member of the biofluid dynamics club. He is passionate about the study of fluid mechanics in biological systems. He is also eager to learn and actively participate in the club's activities.

His role within the club is primarily as a member, where he attend meetings and participate in group discussions on the latest research and advancements in the field of biofluid dynamics. He enjoys sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject with the wider community. He is  eager to get more involved in the club's research projects and contribute to the team's efforts in advancing our understanding of fluid dynamics in biological systems. The hands-on experience and knowledge gained through his involvement in the biofluid dynamics club will undoubtedly enhance his career prospects as an future engineer.

Dr. Arka Das, PhD

Faculty Advisor