Executive Board Members

Meet our E-Board, together we work to trap-neuter-release (TNR) the cats on campus! We also intake adoptable kittens, foster, and adopt them out! Our team is dedicated to doing what is best for the lives of each animal. Together we manage the on campus working cat population and encourage students to properly treat our on campus furry friends!

Julie Ryterski Profile

Julie Ryterski

Harrison Zimmermann Profile

Harrison Zimmermann

Bryan Garces-Stay Profile

Bryan Garces-Stay

Aurora Christianson Profile

Aurora Christianson

Colony Manager
Julia Thompson Profile

Julia Thompson

Jennifer Hinebaugh Profile

Jennifer Hinebaugh


Over this past summer President Marietta and Treasurer Christopher met up with previous President Samantha Blizzard and previous Vice President Becca Blizzard!

L -> R. Becca, Sam, Christopher, Marietta