Tuesday | Check-In & Move-In [FULL]
Check-In and Move-In Information
Once the check-in process is complete, you can begin moving into your residence hall room. Students are permitted to bring no more than three (3) guests with them to assist in the move-in process. Please refer to the Orientation website for additional information.
Late Check-in will be in the Student Union Commons: 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Students are encouraged to sign-up during this time using the Late Check-In Station Event registration.
Registration for New Students
Incoming ERAU students starting Fall 2021 semester will need to create a new account. Please make sure to use your ERAU email when completing the registration information.
Step 1 - Find your check-in day and click "register."
You may need to select "register" again if redirected to the event page for your check-in day.
Step 2 - Click "Sign Up" under First Time User
Step 3 - Complete the account information.
Step 4 - Select your check-in and move-in time.
Step 5 - Complete the form and confirm your registration.
ICI Center
601 South Clyde Morris Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, United States
Hosted By
Housing & Residence Life
Contact the organizers