Historical European Martial Arts

Become part of our expanding community!


About Us

Welcome to Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) at Embry-Riddle!

What is HEMA? HEMA is a catch-all term that refers to any study of historical combat practices from Europe, although it generally refers to the medieval combat of knights and kings.

The HEMA club at Embry-Riddle focuses primarily on the studies of the European longsword (as taught by Italian masters in the XIII Century and German masters in the XVI Century), although the club is fully willing to facilitate your studies in sabers, quarterstaff, spears, sword and shield, and more!

HEMA is an international, full-contact sport and is officially recognized in most countries throughout the world!

Feel free to contact us via email at:
BOWLESC4@my.erau.edu (Cameron Bowles, club President) 
AMONESJ@my.erau.edu (Josh Amones, club Treasurer)









Members Benefits

Members of the club have several benefits including...
  Ability to train as often during the week as they would like (so long as a practice is going on), including flexible officer hours to work with students
  Provided with an assortment of gear so no large expenses are needed
  Personal training and coaching for physical building and tournament preparation
  Ability to take part in club seminars and tournaments
  And more!!

Events & Activities

See our upcoming events and activities!

From practices, to sparring matches, to seminars, we do it all and keep you up to date on it here!

Exclusive Resources

An additional benefit to being part of our club is all the documents and notes we have, you get access to!

Check out some of them!

Can't find something? Let us know and we'll be happy to search our archives for it!


HEMA, being an international sport, has allowed our club to grow and given us lots of wonderful connections both at and outside of Riddle!

Need to contact an officer? Get info from a tournament coordinator? Find a buddy to train with?

This is the place to start!

Our Officers

Michael Perez Profile

Michael Perez

SGA Treasurer Profile

SGA Treasurer

SGA Treasurer
Joshua Amones Profile

Joshua Amones

Anthony Bulko Profile

Anthony Bulko

Public Relations Officer
Cooper Goodnight Profile

Cooper Goodnight

Harley Valdez Profile

Harley Valdez

Student Treasury Board Member
Richard Pepe Profile

Richard Pepe

Cameron Bowles Profile

Cameron Bowles
