Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) - Special Interest
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission The Embry-Riddle Gamers' Guild (also called GG²) is here to give you that well earned break. Our main meetings are on Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 7:00pm in LB 329. The meetings contain a brief discussion of club proceedings and concerns; followed by gaming to about 10 or 11 pm.On Mondays, we play a variety of board and/or card games! After a brief discussion of club plans and the occasional vote, the Guild Box is opened; revealing games such as Cards Against Humanity, Settlers of Catan, Betrayal at House on the Hill, and more!On Wednesdays, we move to modern technology to support our needs! We again have a brief discussion followed by the opening of a second box. This box contains consoles such as the XBox 360, PS2, SNES, NES, XBox, Wii U, and our brand new Switch; all containing an assortment of games!Want to bring one of your own games to share for the evening? Feel free to do so! Want to take a game home and play with your suitemates or other friends? If you decide to pay dues, you're welcome to do so! Just want to hang? We are your club, we will NEVER force you to pay dues and you will NEVER be treated any less because of it!If you have any questions or would like to talk with us outside the meetings, join our discord server! It's highly recommended for anyone interested, as it's our main method of communication with our members.http://discord.gg/DDf8naa
Membership BenefitsAs a member, you get a couple benefits, including two week rental of ANY of our equipment, and a special die with our logo on it! Plus, there's the arguably most important benefit of all - access to a special members-only section of our discord server, including a dedicated channel for memes and general trash.
Lifetime membership