Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) - Special Interest
Website Mission
Contact: Robert Chaney, Isaac Morrison, Email group officers
Mission Creative Ink is ERAU's very own writers group! More specifically, it is a club for writers to express and expand on their creative writing skills. At the weekly meetings, members will bring in stories they've written and everyone will get a turn to share theirs and get constructive feedback. This is optional, no one will be forced to read what they've written - but it does help to give each story a voice. At the end of each 3rd meeting, prompts will be provided for the monthly writing contest. It is not mandatory to write about the provided prompts, but those that do will be allowed to participate in the monthly "Do You Even Write?" competition. All forms of writing are encouraged, from short stories to poetry to scripts to memoirs, etc. The only criteria is that it CANNOT be for an English class (that's why we have the tutoring service A2).
Membership Benefits